• Science Inquiry

Science Inquiry

  • This course is designed to meet state science standards 1, 5 and 6. In this class, students will become familiar with all aspects of the scientific method, both library research and hands-on experimentation. The students will explore the use of technology in science and data collection and gain a better understanding of science as “a way of knowing”. A large portion of the course will involve the development of an individualized research project that will be displayed at the science fair. This class begins the second semester of the freshman year and allows students to have more curriculum background as they devise their projects. It will also enable them to extent their projects through the summer months and into the fall of their sophomore year, if they so choose.

Independent Scientific Research

  • This is an intensive research based course for students with a great interest in science who will pursue a career in science. Each student will learn the methods of science and be responsible for production of one in-depth research projects. The student will also present their project at a regional science fair or the CO/WY Jr. Science Academy meeting. The students will be able to explore areas of personal interest. This class will be work intensive and requires a very self-motivated, self-directed, determined and hard-working individual.

    Jaime and Kody on stage Jaime and Kody qualified for state science fair in Ft. Collins

    Students who qualified for the state science fair in Ft. Collins

    fair cricket

    2019 6th grade students presenting their projects